


Represents a scalar value's lower and upper bound at a near distance and far distance in eye space.

Name Type Argument Default Description
near Number <optional>
0.0 The lower bound of the camera range.
nearValue Number <optional>
0.0 The value at the lower bound of the camera range.
far Number <optional>
1.0 The upper bound of the camera range.
farValue Number <optional>
0.0 The value at the upper bound of the camera range.



The upper bound of the camera range.
Default Value:
  • 1.0


The value at the upper bound of the camera range.
Default Value:
  • 0.0


The lower bound of the camera range.
Default Value:
  • 0.0


The value at the lower bound of the camera range.
Default Value:
  • 0.0

<static> :Number

The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.


Duplicates this instance.

Name Type Argument Description
result NearFarScalar <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
NearFarScalar The modified result parameter or a new NearFarScalar instance if one was not provided.

Compares this instance to the provided NearFarScalar and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

Name Type Argument Description
right NearFarScalar <optional>
The right hand side NearFarScalar.
Boolean true if left and right are equal; otherwise false.


Duplicates a NearFarScalar instance.

Name Type Argument Description
nearFarScalar NearFarScalar The NearFarScalar to duplicate.
result NearFarScalar <optional>
The object onto which to store the result.
NearFarScalar The modified result parameter or a new NearFarScalar instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if nearFarScalar is undefined)


Compares the provided NearFarScalar and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.

Name Type Argument Description
left NearFarScalar <optional>
The first NearFarScalar.
right NearFarScalar <optional>
The second NearFarScalar.
Boolean true if left and right are equal; otherwise false.


Stores the provided instance into the provided array.

Name Type Argument Default Description
value NearFarScalar The value to pack.
array Array The array to pack into.
startingIndex Number <optional>
0 The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.


Retrieves an instance from a packed array.

Name Type Argument Default Description
array Array The packed array.
startingIndex Number <optional>
0 The starting index of the element to be unpacked.
result NearFarScalar <optional>
The object into which to store the result.