


The view model for CesiumInspector.

Name Type Description
scene Scene The scene instance to use.
DeveloperError : scene is required.



Gets the command to toggle a filter that renders only a selected primitive


Gets the command to toggle a filter that renders only a selected tile


Gets the command to toggle whether to suspend tile updates
Gets or sets if the cesium inspector drop down is visible. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • true


Gets or sets the filter primitive state. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets the filter tile state. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets the show frustums state. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets the frustum statistic text. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • ''


Gets or sets if the text on the general section expand button. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • '-'


Gets or sets if the general section is visible. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • true


Gets if a primitive has been selected. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets if a tile has been selected. This property is observable
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets the show performance display state. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets if the picking primitive command is active. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets the command to pick a primitive


Gets the command to pick a tile


Gets if the picking tile command is active. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets the current selected primitive


Gets or sets the show primitive bounding sphere state. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets the show primitive reference frame state. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets if the text on the primitive section expand button. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • '+'


Gets or sets if the primitive section is visible. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets the scene to control.


Gets the command to pick a tile


Gets the command to pick a tile


Gets the command to pick a tile


Gets the command to pick a tile


Gets the command to pick a tile


Gets the command to toggle Scene.debugShowFrustums


Gets the command to toggle the visibility of a PerformanceDisplay


Gets the command to toggle the visibility of a BoundingSphere for a primitive


Gets the command to toggle the visibility of a DebugModelMatrixPrimitive for the model matrix of a primitive


Gets the command to toggle the visibility of a BoundingSphere for a selected tile


Gets the command to toggle the visibility of tile coordinates


Gets the command to toggle the view of the Globe as a wireframe


Gets or sets the suspend updates state. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets if the text on the terrain section expand button. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • '+'


Gets or sets if the terrain section is visible. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets the current selected tile


Gets or sets the show tile bounding sphere state. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets the show tile coordinates state. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false


Gets or sets the selected tile information text. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • ''


Gets the command to toggle the visibility of the drop down.


Gets the command to expand and collapse the general section


Gets the command to expand and collapse the primitives section


Gets the command to expand and collapse the terrain section


Gets or sets the show wireframe state. This property is observable.
Default Value:
  • false