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A singleton that contains all of the servers that are trusted. Credentials will be sent with any requests to these servers.


static Cesium.TrustedServers.add(host, port)

Adds a trusted server to the registry
Name Type Description
host string The host to be added.
port number The port used to access the host.
// Add a trusted server
TrustedServers.add('my.server.com', 80);

static Cesium.TrustedServers.clear()

Clears the registry
// Remove a trusted server

static Cesium.TrustedServers.contains(url)boolean

Tests whether a server is trusted or not. The server must have been added with the port if it is included in the url.
Name Type Description
url string The url to be tested against the trusted list
Returns true if url is trusted, false otherwise.
// Add server
TrustedServers.add('my.server.com', 81);

// Check if server is trusted
if (TrustedServers.contains('https://my.server.com:81/path/to/file.png')) {
    // my.server.com:81 is trusted
if (TrustedServers.contains('https://my.server.com/path/to/file.png')) {
    // my.server.com isn't trusted

static Cesium.TrustedServers.remove(host, port)

Removes a trusted server from the registry
Name Type Description
host string The host to be removed.
port number The port used to access the host.
// Remove a trusted server
TrustedServers.remove('my.server.com', 80);
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