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new Cesium.Cesium3DTilesetGraphics(options)

A 3D Tiles tileset represented by an Entity. The tileset modelMatrix is determined by the containing Entity position and orientation or is left unset if position is undefined.
Name Type Description
options Cesium3DTilesetGraphics.ConstructorOptions optional Object describing initialization options


Gets the event that is raised whenever a property or sub-property is changed or modified.
Gets or sets the maximum screen space error used to drive level of detail refinement.
Gets or sets the boolean Property specifying the visibility of the model.
Default Value: true
Gets or sets the string Property specifying the URI of the glTF asset.


Duplicates this instance.
Name Type Description
result Cesium3DTilesetGraphics optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if one was not provided.
Assigns each unassigned property on this object to the value of the same property on the provided source object.
Name Type Description
source Cesium3DTilesetGraphics The object to be merged into this object.

Type Definitions


Initialization options for the Cesium3DTilesetGraphics constructor
Name Type Attributes Default Description
show Property | boolean <optional>
true A boolean Property specifying the visibility of the tileset.
uri Property | string | Resource <optional>
A string or Resource Property specifying the URI of the tileset.
maximumScreenSpaceError Property | number <optional>
A number or Property specifying the maximum screen space error used to drive level of detail refinement.
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