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Defines functions for 2nd order polynomial functions of one variable with only real coefficients.


static Cesium.QuadraticRealPolynomial.computeDiscriminant(a, b, c)number

Provides the discriminant of the quadratic equation from the supplied coefficients.
Name Type Description
a number The coefficient of the 2nd order monomial.
b number The coefficient of the 1st order monomial.
c number The coefficient of the 0th order monomial.
The value of the discriminant.

static Cesium.QuadraticRealPolynomial.computeRealRoots(a, b, c)Array.<number>

Provides the real valued roots of the quadratic polynomial with the provided coefficients.
Name Type Description
a number The coefficient of the 2nd order monomial.
b number The coefficient of the 1st order monomial.
c number The coefficient of the 0th order monomial.
The real valued roots.
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