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new Cesium.ClockViewModel(clock)

A view model which exposes a Clock for user interfaces.
Name Type Description
clock Clock optional The clock object wrapped by this view model, if undefined a new instance will be created.


Gets or sets whether the clock can animate. See Clock#canAnimate. This property is observable.
Gets the underlying Clock.
Gets or sets the clock range setting. See Clock#clockRange. This property is observable.
Gets or sets the clock step setting. See Clock#clockStep. This property is observable.
Gets or sets the current time. See Clock#currentTime. This property is observable.
Gets or sets the clock multiplier. See Clock#multiplier. This property is observable.

shouldAnimate : boolean

Gets or sets whether the clock should animate. See Clock#shouldAnimate. This property is observable.
Gets or sets the start time of the clock. See Clock#startTime. This property is observable.
Gets or sets the stop time of the clock. See Clock#stopTime. This property is observable.
Gets the current system time. This property is observable.


Destroys the view model. Should be called to properly clean up the view model when it is no longer needed.


true if the object has been destroyed, false otherwise.
Updates the view model with the contents of the underlying clock. Can be called to force an update of the viewModel if the underlying clock has changed and Clock.tick has not yet been called.
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