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new Cesium.ProviderViewModel(options)

A view model that represents each item in the BaseLayerPicker.
Name Type Description
options object The object containing all parameters.
Name Type Description
name string The name of the layer.
tooltip string The tooltip to show when the item is moused over.
iconUrl string An icon representing the layer.
category string optional A category for the layer.
creationFunction ProviderViewModel.CreationFunction | Command A function or Command that creates one or more providers which will be added to the globe when this item is selected.


Gets the category
Gets the Command that creates one or more providers which will be added to the globe when this item is selected.
Gets the icon. This property is observable.
Gets the display name. This property is observable.
Gets the tooltip. This property is observable.

Type Definitions


A function which creates one or more providers.
The ImageryProvider or TerrainProvider, or array of providers, to be added to the globe.
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